Boardworx Kitesurfing trip, winter Kitesurfing in Cape Verde Boa Vista Winter 2022.

Boardworx annual kitesurfing trip, warm wind, tropical water, large jumps and some great waves, and the hydrofoiling was epic.
To get away from the cold damp UK winter weather is all ways wonderful and after Covid it was a trip I had really been looking forward to. Kitesurfing in Cape Verde in January is probably the best time to go for guaranteed wind, the trades are set in and so it was a little disappointing that this year we were only blest with 10-25k nots each day, unfortunately where the wind was often a thermal off shore, but this is not that much of a problem as at Kite Creole by the MORABEZA BEACH BAR they have plenty of rescue boats and 10 euros is not a lot of money to pull you pack in.

We kite surfed every day, sometimes for only a hour or so and we certainly had a lot of different conditions, flat water for the hydrofoils and waves for riding or a little bit of Jumping.

As all ways Strava Tours looked after us stravatours@hotmail.com +238 998 6650, we were taken all over the island, swim with the sharks, had some amazing BBQ’s with fish caught straight off the beach. Strava booked us in to the Blu Marlin for some of the best fish on the island. I am not that keen on fish, but Strava all ways insists I try the fish he orders and now we have a running joke, “oh that is Ok it tastes like chicken”
Nurse and Lemon sharks are often around, and now after being out swimming around in Boa Vista trying to re-launch a kite, it does not seem to worry me as much as it used to, these incredible creatures seem to be a lot more scared of us humans.